House Labor and Workforce Standing Committee
Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United StatesHouse Labor and Workforce Standing Committee - 01/28/2025 10:30 AM - RM 102
House Labor and Workforce Standing Committee - 01/28/2025 10:30 AM - RM 102
SSB 1038 - A bill for an act relating to abandoned vehicles, and making penalties applicable.
SSB 1031 - A bill for an act relating to library services provided by the department of administrative services.
SSB 1040 - A bill for an act relating to government employee paid leave.
SSB 1024 - A bill for an act providing for a review by the state board of regents of academic programs offered at regents institutions.
Senate Technology Standing Committee - 01/28/2025 11:00 AM - RM 116
SSB 1034 - A bill for an act relating to bank utilization of filing services offered by the secretary of state.
SF 105 – A bill for an act relating to mandatory minimum sentences relating to the control, possession, receipt, or transportation of a firearm or offensive weapon by a felon and providing penalties.
HSB 71 – A bill for an act relating to contracts entered into by state agencies and including applicability provisions.
SSB 1037 - A bill for an act relating to state drivers license requirements for certain persons with a military drivers license.
HSB 43 - A bill for an act relating to education, including by modifying provisions related to community college and department of education reporting requirements, the national board certification pilot project, and employees of the Iowa educational services for the blind and visually impaired program or the Iowa school for the deaf, and including effective date provisions.
HSB 47 - A bill for an act relating to school safety by requiring the creation of threat assessment teams and authorizing information sharing between certain governmental agencies.