Responding to the tragic shooting in Perry

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The school shooting at Perry High School is a heartbreaking tragedy. Our thoughts are with everyone in Perry dealing with the aftermath, and across our state that is reeling from this happening so close to home. Our actions will be supportive of those communities as well. Progress Iowa will continue speaking out, and continue to share our research and best practices for delivering a winning message in support of gun violence prevention. We hope the information included here is a helpful resource.

We will share information about how to support the victims and community in Perry on this page in the coming hours and days. There are already vigils planned, here is a list of those events in the Des Moines Register: Vigils planned for Perry community in wake of high school shooting


No matter what community we call home, Iowans want safe schools and neighborhoods, and to live free of gun violence. To send our kids to school and live our daily lives without the fear of shootings. 

Most of us, including gun owners and police, support common-sense gun laws, like training, universal background checks and an assault weapons ban. But across the nation and in our backyards – Ames, Des Moines, and Perry – we have seen too much unnecessary death from guns. Our lives and the lives of those we’ve lost are worthy of common-sense gun safety laws, but the Republican Legislature, Governor Reynolds, and Iowa’s Republican Members of Congress continue to block safety measures that save lives. We are frustrated with politics and sick and tired of empty thoughts and prayers. Unnecessary access to guns increase the threats facing our communities and are devastating our schools, children and state. 

We can fight for our right to live free of gun violence and honor those we have lost. It’s long past time our legislators stand up for what is right and pass legislation that keeps kids, educators and families safe.

Progress Iowa has published two message guides about gun violence prevention: We Decide: Freedom from Gun Violence, and We Deserve Safety from Gun Violence. Click here to read additional information about gun safety on Progress Iowa’s website.


Our team has drafted social media posts that have proven to be effective when advocating for gun violence prevention. Please share, edit, and use this content to demand change:

We deserve leaders who put our safety before politics. But time and time again the GOP- controlled legislature has weakened gun laws that could prevent tragedies in Iowa. Perry students deserve better. Iowans deserve #GunReformNOW!

I’m tired of seeing Iowa politicians recycle the same response to tragedies that could’ve been prevented. Guns shouldn’t come at the cost of student safety. We need #GunReformNOW!


According to recent polling, Iowans support common-sense gun safety measures:

67% of Iowans support regulations for carrying firearms, such as limiting concealed carry, requiring permits or background checks, or safety training. Only 24% oppose those regulations.

Source: Public Policy Polling, Nov 7-8, 2022

TRUE: A majority of Iowans and Americans support background checks for gun buyers. 

Source: Politifact, March 12, 2021


These are the news outlets we’re following to receive the latest information about the tragic shooting in Perry: 


Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks: 

Congresswoman Ashley Hinson:  

Congressman Zach Nunn:

Congressman Randy Feenstra:


Iowa Lawmakers Must Strengthen Gun Laws To Lower Rising Rates of Violence – Center for American Progress 

Giffords Iowa Gun Safety Report Card – F 

Iowa | Everytown Research & Policy 

Iowa Gun Laws | Everytown 

Kim Reynolds Signs Gun Law After Recent Violence

Iowa House Votes To Legalize Guns On School And College Grounds 

Iowa Republicans Continue Push to Loosen Gun Restrictions

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds Signs Law Allowing No Permit Carry Purchase Handguns

Feature Image from Iowa Starting Line Twitter

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