Committee Name

Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Bill SF 165

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

SF 165 - A bill for an act authorizing length of service award programs for volunteer fire fighters, volunteer emergency medical care providers, and reserve peace officers, and making appropriations.

Senate Education Subcommittee on Bill SF 12

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

SF 12 - A bill for an act relating to students who are pregnant or who recently gave birth who attend state institutions of higher education governed by the board of regents and community colleges.

House Education Subcommittee on Bill HF 136

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

HF 136 - A bill for an act relating to the Iowa school performance profiles published by the department of education, including how dropout students affect school performance grades contained in the profiles.

House Education Subcommittee on Bill HSB 108

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

HSB 108 - A bill for an act relating to payments to charter schools by a school district of residence for students enrolled in a charter school, and including effective date provisions.

House State Government️ Subcommittee on Bill HSB 112

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

HSB 112 - A bill for an act providing for the continuation of health insurance in certain circumstances for the surviving spouse and each surviving child of employees of the state of Iowa.

House Transportation Subcommittee on Bill HF 73

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

HF 73 - A bill for an act requiring persons to pass a written test and obtain an education certificate prior to operating an all-terrain vehicle, off-road motorcycle, or off-road utility vehicle on certain land, ice, and trails, providing fees, and making penalties applicable.

Senate Health and Human Services️ Subcommittee on Bill SF 120

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

SF 120 - A bill for an act providing an exception to a minors legal capacity to consent to the provision of medical care or services for a sexually transmitted disease or infection.