Committee Name

Senate Education Subcommittee on Bill HF 117

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

HF 117 - A bill for an act establishing the national guard service professional qualification scholarship program.(Formerly HSB 3.)

Senate Education Subcommittee on Bill SSB 1075

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

SSB 1075 - A bill for an act relating to education, including by modifying provisions related to community college and department of education reporting requirements and employees of the Iowa educational services for the blind and visually impaired program or the Iowa school for the deaf.

Senate Education Subcommittee on Bill SF 186

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

SF 186 - A bill for an act relating to school districts, including by modifying provisions related to the executive officers of the boards of directors of school districts and authorizing residents and employees to request audits of school districts.

Senate Education Subcommittee on Bill SSB 1135

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

SSB 1135 - A bill for an act relating to early childhood education and care, including by modifying provisions related to the statewide preschool program, the child development coordinating council, programs for at-risk children, the responsibilities of the department of education, the early childhood Iowa initiative, and the state child care assistance program, and establishing the child care continuum partnership grants pilot program within the department of health and human services.

Senate Education Subcommittee on Bill SF 237

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

SF 237 - A bill for an act directing the department of education to convene a working group to study the impact of technology on the cognitive function and academic performance of students.

Senate Education Subcommittee on Bill SF 243

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

SF 243 - A bill for an act relating to tuition, degree programs, employment, and related matters pertaining to students enrolled at regents institutions.

Senate Education Subcommittee on Bill SSB 1100

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

SSB 1100 - A bill for an act relating to education, including by modifying provisions related to the calculation of the teacher salary supplement district cost per pupil, teacher preparation requirements, out-of-state placement of certain specified students requiring special education, the duties of the department of education, and minimum teacher salaries, and including effective date provisions.

Senate Education Subcommittee on Bill SF 265

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

SF 265 - A bill for an act implementing requirements related to organizations that sponsor or administer extracurricular interscholastic athletics, including the creation of a conference realignment committee.

Senate Education Subcommittee on Bill SF 221

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

SF 221 - A bill for an act relating to child abuse and employees and agents of public schools and nonpublic schools.

Senate Education Subcommittee on Bill SF 172

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

SF 172 - A bill for an act relating to child sexual abuse and child sexual assault awareness and prevention.