Committee Name

House Health and Human Services️ Subcommittee on Bill HF 200

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines

HF 200 - A bill for an act requiring the department of health and human services to reimburse a county for the temporary holding of, or confinement of, a sexually violent predator who commits a public offense while subject to an order of civil commitment.

House Health and Human Services️ Subcommittee on Bill HSB 153

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines

HSB 153 - A bill for an act relating to services and support for youth, including treatment, physical assessments, and behavioral health evaluations; exemptions from childrens residential facility certification; the director of juvenile court services and chief juvenile court officers; and suspension of Hawki eligibility for public institution inmates.

House Health and Human Services️ Subcommittee on Bill HF 364

Iowa State Capitol 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines

HF 364 - A bill for an act relating to a standing appropriation to the department of health and human services to make free radon test kits available to homeowners and renters in the state.