Senate Standing Committee
💊🏥️ Health and Human Services 💊🏥️
02/06/2025 10:00 AM
RM 116
Committee Members (Email All Members):
Call to Order
Roll Call
Confirmation of Minutes
Distribution of Subcommittee Assignments electronically:
SSB 1012 Klimesh: A bill for an act relating to the double up food bucks program, and making an appropriation.
SSB 1016 w/Amendment Klimesh: A bill for an act relating to prior authorizations and exemptions by health benefit plans and utilization review organizations.
SF 56 Alons: A bill for an act relating to the right to try Act.
SF 57 Pike: A bill for an act requiring the department of health and human services to reimburse a county for the temporary holding of, or confinement of, a sexually violent predator who commits a public offense while subject to an order of civil commitment.
Any other business
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