Caring for Our Country & Communities

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Remember: lead with a value, define the opposition, and end with a call to action.

Overview: This week’s State of the Union address is an opportunity to make it clear who is fighting to make life better for hard-working Iowans, both in Des Moines and in D.C. We know prices have been sky high, workers and workers’ rights have been attacked, and children and families in Iowa are being targeted simply for being themselves. Republicans in Congress and the Iowa legislature keep advocating for tax cuts for wealthy corporations and the richest among us. All while reducing our access to voting polls, limiting oversight from our state Auditor, and cutting programs that help us and our families – Medicare, Social Security, unemployment insurance, the right to bargain collectively, and public funds for public schools. Our communities matter. Our hard work matters. We can have legislators who respect us and fight for us. 

The Headline:  Iowans work too hard to put up with legislators who don’t respect us. MAGA Republicans keep putting tax breaks for wealthy corporations and the richest people over our communities. Democrats know we’re the ones keeping our communities afloat. They’re fighting the anti-worker agenda, putting childcare, minimum wage and the resources we need first. 

The Message, Community:  No matter our income, background, or who we love, we all benefit when our towns are safe and supported. But our community is struggling because Republicans are too focused on special interests and themselves. They should be at town halls and finding solutions for local problems. But, Republicans are passing bills that make families they view as different less safe. They sent public school tax dollars to private religious ones, and are giving more tax breaks to the rich, and wealthy corporations. Democrats want to raise the minimum wage and increase funding for local public schools. Democrats are fighting for teachers and families while trying to rebuild roads and bridges. Iowans want to protect our schools, workers, and neighbors. We deserve leaders who care and deliver for all of us.

The Message, Power Grabs:  Iowans know we can rely on one another, no matter what we look like or where we’re from. We can also count on each other to respect our privacy and freedoms. But MAGA Republicans are trying to hoard power and attack our rights and freedoms. They planned, promoted, and paid for a criminal conspiracy. They attacked our country and the will of the people. Today, they are still protecting the guy who made it all happen to hold onto power. Iowa MAGA Republicans are attacking our freedom to decide if we grow our families, weakening workers’ rights, and reorganizing state government without our input. They kicked Iowans who haven’t voted recently off voter rolls, and they weakened the state Auditor’s oversight. Even though we elected him to keep our state honest, efficient and transparent. Democrats are standing up for us to ensure all criminals are held accountable, and to protect our elections and our freedoms. No one should be able to hoard power, sabotage voters, and keep their seat. 

The Tweet:

Iowans work too hard to put up with legislators who don’t respect us. That’s why we won’t stand for MAGA Republicans putting wealthy corporations first. We deserve leaders who will fight for us! #Iowa

The Image: 

The Research:  In a recent message test with commonly used frames, our messages on community and power grabs were the most persuasive. 

Community was consistently in our top three messages, no matter what we asked respondents. It was the most effective in improving Biden’s job approval and increasing 2024 vote motivations for progressive candidates. 

Power Grabs was the most effective at improving views about progressive legislators at-large and was also ranked among our top three messages for each question we asked.