Message Guide: The People’s Agenda

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As Governor Reynolds ignores the needs of Iowans and puts wealthy corporations ahead of what’s best for workers and families, we’re committed to advocating for good government and progressive policies that help Iowans. But Reynolds continues to cave to conservative extremists instead of supporting our teachers, doctors and small business owners while misspending state funds on her own office and political handouts. 

As the new session starts, we must hold Governor Reynolds and the Republican-led legislature accountable. Together, we can shine a light on the corporate greed, extremism and nonsense taking place at the state Capitol. Legislators should prioritize working families, improve access to healthcare, protect our freedoms, and give our kids the resources they need to get ahead. Let’s show our neighbors what’s possible when we stand up for our rights and each other.

Key Takeaways: 

  • The best way to define Governor Reynolds and her peers is as corporate sellouts
  • Despite federal efforts to stabilize the economy, paying our bills – grocery, housing, heat, you name it – is costly and Iowans are feeling it daily. Messaging that leans into economic struggles and acknowledges the cause (wealthy corporate greed) proves we’re in touch with reality and trustworthy.
  • Demanding protection of our freedoms, using local examples and looking to the future help strengthen these messages. 

Every Penny Counts 

Iowa Values

Define the opposition

Call to action & tangibles we can achieve
No matter what Iowans do for a living – nurses, farmers, teachers, small business owners – we work hard to help our communities and take care of our families.

But paychecks aren’t keeping up with prices and some can hardly afford housing and groceries. Worst of all, our kids may not have the same opportunities we had. All because Gov. Reynolds and the Republican-led legislature are sacrificing our well-being to cut taxes for the super-rich and wealthy corporations. They don’t care about our lives, our incomes or lowering costs. They’re taking away the tools and resources needed to build a good life. 

Sen. Jochum and Rep. Konfrst are standing up to Reynolds and her wealthy donors. They’re working to protect our freedoms and schools, improve clean air and water, and rebuild roads and bridges. They know we need to increase wages and competition to protect workers, consumers and small businesses. We work hard and are proud of it. Jochum and Konfrst know we deserve respect and reward for our contribution.

Corporate sellout message: 

Iowa Values

Define the opposition

Call to action & tangibles we can achieve
Iowans work hard to take care of our families. We want leaders who will do what’s right so that we can do our best. 

But Governor Reynolds ignores us in favor of corporate greed. Iowans are hurting while wealthy companies make record profits, all thanks to their corporate sellout, Kim Reynolds.

Iowans deserve a governor who values our families and does what’s right. By standing together and holding the greedy accountable, we can create an Iowa that’s good for all of us, not just the wealthy corporations backing Governor Reynolds. 

Access to Healthcare: 

Iowa Values

Define the opposition

Call to action & tangibles we can achieve
Access to healthcare has never been more important. And as Iowans, we work hard to make sure our families are taken care of. 

But Governor Reynolds stands in the way of lower costs and our decisions. She outsourced healthcare to private companies who get to decide whether we live or die based on profit and now she’s letting nursing homes fall apart. At the same time, she’s letting rural hospitals shrink and shutter, hurting communities they intended to serve. She’s made Iowans more sick by cutting funds for family planning services and is hellbent on taking away the right to access abortion. 

We deserve leaders who listen to doctors and who care about our whole lives. Leaders who will work to build the best and most affordable health system possible and leave our personal care decisions to individuals and providers. 

Working Families:

Iowa Values

Define the opposition

Call to action & tangibles we can achieve
As Iowans, we value hard work and know good paying jobs that respect workers help our communities grow and make families strong.  

But Governor Reynolds has failed us. She’s attacked unemployment benefits we pay into, blocked wage increases and keeps siding with wealthy corporations that don’t pay enough, Reynolds is hurting our families and forcing people to leave rural Iowa. Even as workers struggle, she keeps giving handouts to wealthy corporations and the richest Iowans. 

Investing in working families will kickstart our economy. We need leaders who will ensure workers are paid what they’re owed and ensure wealthy tax cheats don’t rob public resources. 

Freedom to Learn:

Iowa Values

Define the opposition

Call to action & tangibles we can achieve
Iowa students deserve strong public schools with common sense and balanced oversight. No matter their zip code or background, they should be given the freedom to learn and access to the best education possible.

But Governor Reynolds is putting our kids at risk. She has sided with extremists trying to divide our communities. She has tried to censor teachers and tell educational experts what they can and can’t teach, banned families from making important personal decisions, and used public school funds from our communities to send our tax dollars to private religious schools in Des Moines where her big donors live. 

By speaking up and calling on our elected officials to fully fund public schools, we can fight these divisive attacks and provide every child a quality education to ensure they succeed.

Reproductive Freedom:

Iowa Values

Define the opposition

Call to action & tangibles we can achieve
Iowans are compassionate people who value the freedom to access abortion and make personal, private decisions without politicians interfering. 

But today, Governor Reynolds and Republican Legislators are attacking our freedoms, in legislation and the courts, in an attempt to control our bodies and our lives, including whether or not to have an abortion. They want a total ban on abortion, no exceptions. No matter where a person lives, what they look like or what they do, they deserve the right to access abortion and reproductive care without politicians interfering. Every person’s life is unique. Someone you love may need an abortion one day. 

Iowan’s support the freedom to decide for ourselves and will stand up to Reynolds. We’re fighting to keep abortion from becoming a crime in Iowa.

Social Content:

Iowans deserve a leader who values our lives, freedoms, & our futures! But, Gov. Reynolds ignores us in favor of corporate greed & special interests. That’s why we must hold the greedy accountable & create an Iowa for the people, not just Reynolds’ favored few! #Iowa

Iowans support strong public schools! But Gov. Reynolds’s policies are putting our kids’ futures at risk. That’s why we must hold her accountable and push for fully funded public schools this session! #Iowa #IAGov

Iowans won’t be silent, even if those in charge want us to be. We’re tired of lawmakers putting corporations, the NRA, and special interests before Iowans & we won’t stop until they’re held accountable! #Iowa

I’m ready to see an Iowa that isn’t clouded by Gov. Reynolds’ corporate greed! We can live in a state that values our lives & well-being, but we must take action this year! Are you ready for it? #Iowa 

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