We Decide: Freedom to Access Abortion

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Messaging on abortion access is all about freedom and empathy. Because advocating for progressive values means protecting our personal freedoms and the right to make our own decisions.  

We know this message works right here at home, where a majority of Iowans believe the right to access abortion is a no-brainer. 

No matter where a person lives, what they look like or what they do, every person’s life has unique circumstances. Someone you love may need an abortion someday. 

But, MAGA Republicans like Governor Kim Reynolds and the Republican-led legislature have spent years trying to ban abortion. It’s no longer federally protected and now they’re attacking our freedoms. 

Their one-size-fits-all ban on abortion would hurt people in need and would even force a third-grader to give birth. The lack of empathy is clear and should scare anyone looking at Reynolds’ agenda. 

People, not politicians, should have the right to make their own decisions, including when it comes to abortion care. We must stand up to Reynolds and the MAGA Republican legislators attacking our rights. It’s time that we decide! 

For more on abortion freedom messaging, check out our talking pointsguidance, and latest briefing materials.