Message Guide: Hinson Votes for High Prices

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As high prices force Iowans to choose between paying for medicine or food, or between paying utilities and going to the doctor, Rep. Ashley Hinson proves time and time again that she won’t stand up for everyday Iowans. 

Not only does she consistently oppose major packages driven by President Biden to help fund our communities and support a post-COVID economy, Rep. Hinson recently betrayed Iowans by voting “no” on legislation that would put a monthly cap on insulin costs, a medicine that hundreds of thousands of Iowans rely on and that dominates the household budgets of diabetic patients. 

Message Guidance  

Start with a shared values statement. 

Name the problem and define the opposition to our shared value. Don’t repeat the opposition, even to negate. Speak proactively to reframe the issue. 

Frame the opposition as a “hurdle” we can overcome, rather than a “barrier” that stops us. 

Make voters the protagonists and focus on values. 

Provide tangible outcomes, and end with a call to action.

Emotion and repetition are powerful tools to use for every message. They help our allies remember the talking points and stay on message, allowing us to speak as a united front and frame the discussion. 

Sample message: “No” cap on insulin  

Iowans take pride in working hard and helping each other out, but it’s getting tougher to take care of ourselves as the cost of everything keeps rising. Shared Value
Rep. Ashley Hinson had the chance to help those of us with diabetes, an illness affecting more than 200,000 Iowans and costing us billions. But when Congress voted to cap insulin at $35 a month, Rep.  Hinson sided with greedy, price-gouging corporations and voted against it. Define the opposition, Tie to current events
That wasn’t very Iowan of her. We need leaders who will stop price gouging and support Iowans in need. Call to action, outcomes we can achieve

Sample message: Small Business 

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. They provide good jobs in our communities. Shared Value
But today, small businesses are struggling thanks to Rep. Ashley Hinson. She prioritizes greedy corporations over Iowa families. On Hinson’s watch, wealthy companies like Tyson took advantage of workers while jacking up the cost of food. She lets the super rich get away with price gouging us. It increases the costs small businesses face, and the amount we spend at their shops.Define the opposition, Tie to current events
Without our small businesses, Iowa wouldn’t be Iowa. We can’t let Hinson and wealthy companies price gouge them out of existence. Call to action, outcomes we can achieve

Sample message: Community Cuts 

Iowans support growing and caring for our communities. That’s why we pay our taxes to support roads, schools, and public safety.Shared Value
But our towns still don’t have enough because Rep. Ashley Hinson prioritizes wealthy corporations over us. It’s drying up our wallets and communities. Even when she has the chance to invest in our communities, she votes no and calls it a handout. She doesn’t support Iowans. Hinson’s only looking out for the rich executives donating to her campaign war chest. Define the opposition, Tie to current events
We can’t survive like this. We need leaders who will support working families and make wealthy corporations pay what they owe. Call to action, outcomes we can achieve

Sample message: Rigged Rules 

Iowans work hard, but things are rough right now. It’s hard to take care of ourselves, let alone each other.Shared Value
Life is already expensive, what with housing, childcare and healthcare. Now groceries, kids toys and household supplies are out of control. We’re trying to keep up, but wealthy executives like Jeff Bezos keep increasing prices. They push us around and rig the rules because Rep. Ashley Hinson lets them. Hinson could reign them in, but their huge windfalls donate to her campaign war chest.Define the opposition, Tie to current events
We need leaders who will keep corporate greed in check and help working families get ahead.Call to action, outcomes we can achieve

Sample message: Labor unions

Iowa workers don’t ask for much, but know fairness and respect are the least you can do to repay hard work. Shared Value
Sadly, politicians like Rep. Ashley Hinson are letting wealthy corporations walk all over us. Greedy CEOs are making record profits thanks to the hard work of our union brothers and sisters but aren’t sharing the profits. To get the pay and benefits we’re owed, we keep having to protest our employers. And every time, Hinson is nowhere to be found. Define the opposition, Tie to current events
We deserve better. Iowa workers need leaders who will support them when we are in need.Call to action, outcomes we can achieve

Sample LTE 

Please use our guidance to frame your personal story and unique passion on this issue. 

I love my hometown. I moved here to raise my kids because it was safe, affordable and had its charms. 

But today, the small businesses that provide those charms are struggling thanks to Rep. Ashley Hinson. She prioritizes greedy corporations over Iowa families. On Hinson’s watch, wealthy companies like Tyson took advantage of workers while jacking up the cost of food. Just as we faced increased costs to feed our family, our local deli and restaurants struggled to afford meat. But Rep. Hinson cared about Tyson’s bottomline, not our families, small businesses and the workers at Tyson. 

Rep Hinson lets the super rich get away with price gouging us and it’s increasing the costs small businesses face, and the amount we spend at their shops. Enough is enough. We need to stand up for our local small businesses that make our towns unique before Hinson let’s wealthy companies like Tyson price gouge them out of existence. 

Key Research Takeaways

Each of our messages successfully lowered Rep. Hinson’s favorability, but our standouts were our insulin and small businesses messages, which lowered her favorability by 24 and 21 points. 

When asking about Hinson’s favorability, each message we posed was persuasive. The community cuts message lowered opinions of her by 19 points while our labor message and our rigged rules message lowered her favorability by 15 and 11 points. 

Our messages on small business, rigged rules and community cuts were also persuasive when asking Iowans if Congress should reign in corporate greed. 

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