New Poll Shows Rejection of Trump-Republican Sabotage Agenda, Support for Health Care Law


The Kaiser Family Foundation’s newly released April Tracking Poll shows that the American people vehemently reject the Trump-GOP repeal and sabotage agenda and support the health care law as well as Democrats’ efforts to lower prices and improve care.

Here are the poll’s key findings:

  • Voters’ Top Priorities Are Lowering The Cost Of Prescription Drugs And Protecting People With Pre-existing Conditions. Nearly seven in ten Americans (68 percent), say lowering prescription drug costs for as many Americans as possible is a ‘top priority’ for Congress. This is followed closely by nearly two-thirds of the public (64 percent) who say making sure the ACA’s protections for people with pre-existing health conditions continue is a ‘top priority’ for Congress.
  • Americans Overwhelmingly Disapprove Of Junk Plans. “Majorities, across party identification, think the federal government should require health insurance companies to cover a certain set of benefits and cover pre-existing conditions (67 percent) rather than allow them to sell short-term plans that cost significantly less but provide fewer benefits and do not cover some pre-existing conditions (26 percent). Majorities of Democrats (83 percent), independents (62 percent), and Republicans (53 percent) think the federal government should require health insurance plans to cover a certain set of benefits and cover pre-existing conditions.”

  • People Oppose Trump’s Lawsuit To Overturn The Affordable Care Act By 15 Points And Oppose Overturning Pre-existing Condition Protections By 41 Points. “The majority of the public say they do not want to see the Supreme Court overturn either the pre-existing condition protections (68 percent) or the entire health care law (54 percent).”
  • Large Majorities Support Protections For People With Pre-existing Conditions. Seven in ten of those polled say it is ‘very important’ to prohibit insurance companies from denying someone coverage because of their health status, and 64 percent of voters say it is ‘very important’ that insurance companies be prohibited from charging people more because of their health status.
  • Support For The Affordable Care Act Remains Steady At 50 Percent. Americans approve of the Affordable Care Act by 12 points (50-38).